Alchemy for Harmony


… around business adaptation to energy and climate challenges: education, attractiveness and risk management.


Many companies are considering carefully whether and how to adapt their business model and practices in order to anchor their activities in a sustainable positioning in a context of increasing energy, climate and regulatory changes on the horizon. The necessary transformations to implement can be complex and generate physical and transition risks that will need to be explained to and managed with throughout the value chain: employees, clients, suppliers, partners and shareholders.

Whether your company is at the initial thinking stage or already well advanced in its implementation of adaptation measures, it will benefit from communicating on its low carbon strategy, its new KPIs, the enhancement of its products and services life cycle, and its anticipation of forthcoming regulatory changes as early as possible and in the most transparent and engaging manner for all its stakeholders.


Using a systemic approach and capitalising on my experience of change and large projects management, as well as on a sound understanding of the risks to take into account during this type of transformation, I am here to help your teams define and convey your convictions and your adaption strategy in a motivating and desirable way. In addition, thanks to my volunteering activities for the Shift Project, a well-established Think Tank advocating the shift to a post-carbon economy, I am able to provide you with rigorous sectoral analysis in terms of carbon intensity reduction.

An essential service for

All companies, large and small, that are engaged in a low carbon transition, ready to implement high-impact strategies and willing to communicate about it greenwashing free.

You are convinced it’s time to act with impact for the climate, contact me to discuss how your communication strategy can contribute to convince your stakeholders of your progress and sound risk management in this area.

Communication & strategy